Congratulations! You’ve decided to jump into the rabbit hole and explore the world of NFTs. Great! Now, what do you need to do?

First of all, you need a digital wallet. Consider this your passport to the Web3 world. It will allow you to create and access your Ethereum account and with it you’re going to receive funds, log into Web3 decentralized apps (Dapps), and more importantly for us, buy and enjoy NFTs.

There are tons of wallets! But for those of us that aren't technical and just want to learn and play around with NFTs we recommend using Rainbow. It allows you to interact with Ethereum (the blockchain that Nemo is built on!) to buy and collect NFTs. It’s super easy to use and a great way to see your digital art collection!


The first step is to download Rainbow to your phone (iPhone and Android versions are available). Then open the app and click on “Get a new wallet”.


Once your account has been created, Rainbow will ask you to backup your secret phrase. This is a 12 word phrase that acts as your account password. These words are the keys to your wallet! Neither Rainbow nor Nemo have access to your wallet, and we can't control it. Your wallet is 100% yours, and the keys to it have been generated cryptographically on your device for your eyes only.


A wallet is permanent, and unlike a login to a traditional website it can’t be recovered or changed. If someone has access to your secret phrase they have complete access to your account, so it’s vital to keep it safe!
